
Volunteering is a great way to get involved at RASE and support creative activities in Regina! Did you know we receive no funding support for our operations? This means that volunteers are required to make our supplies available at the lowest price possible and to help keep our shop open. We are always looking for volunteers! If you'd like to discuss options before filling in the below form you can Contact Us.

Volunteer Benefits

A complete list of volunteers options are below. However, every Shop Role Volunteer can take items worth $5 or less home for free at the end of their shift. Event Volunteers receive free entry into events for which they are volunteering. Board Members cannot receive any remuneration for their services as per our incorporation documents. Please note: benefits are subject to change based on decisions of the board and stock available on shelves.

How to Apply

Fill in the online application form below. You will be contacted to meet with our Executive Director and have an orientation before your first shift.

Types of Roles


Primary Shop Volunteer
Requirements: Available for anyone 18 years of age or older.
Commitment Level: Around 5 hours monthly or bimonthly (depending on how many primary shop volunteers are currently in the rotation).
Donation Sorter and Shelf Cleaner
Requirements: Available for anyone over the age of 14 years old (parental/guardian permission may be required)
Commitment Level: Volunteers are assigned based on availability.


Event Volunteer
Requirements: Available for members over the age of 14 years old (parental/guardian permission may be required).
Commitment Level: 4 hours per event maximum. Frequency of events depends on the time of year and events planned. You will be contacted first to help with events.


Board of Directors
Requirements: Must be an individual member 18 years of age or older. Find a complete list of board roles typically needed here.
Commitment Level: Around 9 hours spread out over a month at the most, must be available for one meeting with other board members quarterly
Social Media Manager
Requirements: Available for members over the age of 14 years old (parental/guardian permission may be required).
Commitment Level: Occasionally. We have a variety of people contributing to our social media pages and our goal is to post 1-2 times a week.
Guest Blogger
Requirements: Available for members over the age of 14 years old (parental/guardian permission may be required).
Commitment Level: Occasionally. We accept guest blog posts throughout the year about reuse. If you have a manuscript, you can send it directly to artsupplyexchange [at] gmail [dot] com.